Projects & Research // PAN/remastered (2011/2014)

PAN/remastered (2011/2014)

 A solo performance / co-produced by Dansateliers Rotterdam

PAN/remastered is dedicated to conscious and subconscious psychosocial systems of modern society. It is the attempt to reconstruct a contemporary, analytical and fragmented PAN, probably the most current mythological figure of all: outsider, entertainer and terrorist, demigod and goat.

This open session version revives the 2011 production for which Emanuele Soavi was awarded ‚Best Performer‘ at Cologne’s Theatre Awards. It presents entertainer and terrorist PAN in new light and new darkness: PAN trapped between the world of the human beings and the world of the gods, now accompanied by live-music created by Stefan Bohne and KOMPAKT-founder Wolfgang Voigt who contributed new material to the original soundtrack which has then been rearranged by performer and DJ Stefan Bohne.

Choreography / Idea / Performance: Emanuele Soavi
Composition / Music Editing: Wolfgang Voigt, Stefan Bohne
Dramaturgy / Direction: Achim Conrad, Stefan Bohne, Amy Gale
Costume: Pino Cervino
Photos: Joris-Jan Bos

Production: Emanuele Soavi incompany / dansateliers rotterdam

PAN was subsidized by the Cultural Office of Cologne, the Embassy of the Netherlands, the SK Stiftung Kultur and KunststiftungNRW