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Emanuele Soavi incompany welcomes you!

There was a lot going on this spring 2024! Two Premieres are already behind us.

The choreographic concert FAÇADES celebrated its extremely successful premiere at the Philharmonie Cologne. Alongside the wonderful soprano Anna Prohaska and the baroque specialists of the lautten compagney BERLIN, a “captivating mix of humor and sadness” and “a brilliant interplay of old music and modern dance” was created – as the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger and Kölnische Rundschau headlines put it.

And TERPSICORE – THE QUEEN IS DANCING! (photo: Anna Kolata) found an enthusiastic audience in the wonderful Goethe Theater in Bad Lauchstädt as part of the Haendel Festival Halle. Once again in collaboration with lautten compagney BERLIN we were following in the footsteps of the first female choreographer in history: Marie Sallé – a woman who identified revolutionary potential in the dancing body as early as the 18th century.

For two years now, we have been regular guests in the district of Miltenberg as part of a Tanzland cooperation. On June 15, we presented our performance AUREA Variations at the local church in Hausen and on June 29, a very special dance-music project with music students from the district entitled ARCHE Short Stories concluded at the Schifffahrts- und Schiffbaumuseum (Museum for Shipping and Shipbuilding) in Wörth am Main.

Now, we’ll take a breather and look forward to two guest performances in Italy in September with an adapted version of THE DAY I BECAME A CLOUD in Ferrara, two performances of TERPSICORE at the Stadttheater Aschaffenburg and the double-bill-evening StormSongS in Cologne and Elsenfeld.

We look forward to seeing you!
Best regards
Your team
Emanuele Soavi incompany


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