Projects & Research // ORAKEL (2022)

ORAKEL (2022)

A performative installation – from the series SOLO LIKE A PIG



Here you find the mini-docu ORAKEL – Behind the scenes by Julia Franken
Further documentaries about the series SOLO LIKE A PIG under mediation & documentation

The walk-in, performative installation ORAKEL by the two dance artists Lili M. Rampre and Emanuele Soavi is inspired by Walter Benjamin’s essay ‘The Narrator’. Benjamin assumes that wisdom is being lost due to the increasing flood of information that permeates the lives of individuals – also because the art of storytelling is dying out. Rampre and Soavi focus attention on literature and the process of storytelling, fanning it out in movement, image and sound. Visitors are invited to embark on a visual-sonic journey and to perceive the world from different perspectives. In doing so, they themselves become actors in the space.

The experimental series format SOLO LIKE A PIG is made up of several independent performative and installative episodes emerging over the next few years, leading to a performance parcours in 2025. The basis is a research period in which Emanuele Soavi questioned his role as an author and performer and thus also that of the theater from a wide variety of sociological, historical, scientific and aesthetic perspectives during work stays in Paris, Münster and Berlin.

Emanuele Soavi Conception, Choreography, Performance
Lili M. Rampre Conception, Visuals, Performance
Federico Casadei Artistic collaboration, Sound, Performance
Taeyeon Kim Artistic collaboration, Performance
Barbara Schröer Camera, Editing
Karoline Hinz Design, Sculpture
Zeneida Sardá Dramaturgic Advice
Julia Franken Photos, Documentation

May 8 open studio and Soavis LIVING ROOM at the ehrenfeldstudios in Cologne

May 16-21 Mediothek in Krefeld

July 26-30 Mouches Volantes in Cologne

A production by Emanuele Soavi incompany, supported by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, which is funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative. Funded as part of the conceptual funding of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
The installation will be realized in Krefeld in cooperation with the Mediothek and with the support of the Kulturbüro / Fabrik Heeder.